Getting the Essay Prewriting Techniques Right-2022

Academic essays require more than your writing skill to fulfill its task. In fact, writing is just assembling relevant information, ideas, and arguments in the right order and style. The essay is mostly rewriting, and it forms due to the hard work that happens in the background in the form of various pre-writing processes.

Though you might find help from an essay writer free online to help you in the post-writing editing phase, you will have to do the prewriting phase on your own.

The essay prompt is your best friend

The essay prompts are usually direct but they do expect you to understand the prompt task-words. These tasks word what type of writing you are going to produce on the topic at hand. Task words such as Evaluate, Compare, Analyse, Access, etc tells the reader the type of academic writing needs

‘Demonstrate’ for example will want you to produce descriptive writing, while ‘Interpret’ might want you to produce critical writing.

You should also lookout for the limiting factor for your subject. The limit that narrows down the subject topic for you.

An essay writer should make sure that you have the essay prompt fully understood and it should be in your mind throughout the writing and researching process.

Brainstorming is not a slight on your brainpower

A person might think: ‘Why should I not write your essay straight from your head and save the time spent on the ’childish’ brainstorming.’

To that, I answer: Yes, your brain is an incredible machine, capable of performing incredible things. But it is an efficient machine that only learns with practice. Even if you have an acute spatial intelligence and are capable of cataloging information in your head through mind mapping and memory palaces, you still need to brainstorm.

Brainstorming uses mind mapping the most. This technique allows you to arrange the information and inputs spatially branching out from the subjects. It helps you:

  • Scale your knowledge on the subject

  • Know where you are missing information

  • Discover novel links and relationships between terms

  • Provides a rough outline

  • It helps narrow your research down.

  • Keeps your brain free from managing a file system in your head and keeps it free for critical input.

Read Intelligently: Scan, Skim, Skip, and Stop

You learn as an college essay writer that prompt analysis and brainstorming will get you an idea of what topics to read into. Planning your reading will save you lots of time, as a large number of documents and articles to read can take a huge bite out of your allotted essay time. Also, you need to focus on note-making, as here the focus is on providing material for your essay, not enlightenment through knowledge.

Skimming is the technique that you can employ while reading academic articles. Like an essay, you will find a structure for each article. Skimming is using the initial paragraphs and the important introductory sentences to get an overview of the work.

Scanning is beneficial if you know the text includes relevant information and you are racing through the text focusing on finding the relevant information.

Skipping is when you are aware that certain parts of the text are not worth reading such as the research methodology of a paper. This way you can get to the relevant information quickly.

Lastly, you should stop and read the text with your full attention, making notes, if you get on a part that is relevant. Using these three techniques together will help you go through a lot of information and gather a lot of relevant information. You should make sure that you note down the source of each of the text or ideas that you borrow.

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